iOS versions market share in August 2023
Oh hello iOS 16.6, didn't see you there!

Every month I take a look at the TelemetryDeck data set and compile the most helpful insights about the ecosystem in a blog post like this. At the beginning of August, let's have a look at the market shares of various major and minor version of Apple's iOS operating system, which models are most prevalent, and look out to the upcoming iOS 17 and the Vision Pro.
iOS 16.5 is the most used iOS version right now
iOS Versions over Time
iOS 16.5 has has reached the majority of all iOS devices such as iPhones and iPads. Around 60% of all iPhones are running iOS 16.5, and around 66% of all iOS 16.* version – but that number is already dropping again.
That's because iOS 16.6 has been released and people are quickly updating to that version – around 7.9% of all iOS devices are already running iOS 16.6.
We expect this to be the last version of iOS 16 and assume that Apple is now switching full steam ahead to iOS 17 development.
Almost all iPhones are running iOS 16
As of June 31, 2023, these are the market shares of major iOS versions in the TelemetryDeck data set:
iOS Major Versions
- iOS 17: 2.43%
- iOS 16: 91.54%
- iOS 15: 5.90%
- iOS 14: 0.13%
- Other
The overwhelming majority of iPhones and iPads are running iOS 16, but now they're running slightly newer versions. We're beginning to see developers installing and testing iOS 17 on their development devices and the author if this article is only barely resisting installing the beta on his carry phone.
iOS 14 is now a negligibly small percentage of the TelemetryDeck data set, and iOS 15 is pretty unimportant as well.
If you develop an app, you might consider setting iOS 16 as your minimun deployment target over the summer.
iOS 17 is almost here
iOS 17.* signals over time
iOS 17 beta is now available to developers and unsurprisingly, people are using it to develop and test their apps!
Vision Pro is coming!
Signals from Vision Pro Simulator
The TelemetryDeck Swift SDK now supports the Vision Pro Simulator and we're seeing people playing around with app ideas and exploring what's there! We can't wait to see how this will continue.
The iPhone 11 is the most used iPhone model
iPhone Models
In general, more people seem to use a non-Pro iPhone than a Pro iPhone, and more people use the regular size than use the Max versions. A surprising amount of people is using iPhones mini – good news for fans of the small size.
iPad Models over time
The most used iPad right now seems to be the iPad 9, with the iPad Air 5 a close second.
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Biases in the TelemetryDeck data set
- Our data set currently skews towards small and independent developers, who in turn tend to have more technically minded users.
- The oldest iOS version our SDK supports is iOS 12, so we have no data before that.
- We use the aggregated data from the 2090 apps we manage and around 3 million monthly active users. These charts will be more accurate as we grow.
- Our data set is mostly American and European apps –things might look different in other regions. Below is a chart of our combined locales over time: