#docs #guides #Setup #Flutter #Dart

Flutter Setup Guide

You have an account, and you have an app ID. Now let's include the TelemetryClient Package in your Flutter application


  • You’ll need a TelemetryDeck account. Sign up for free if you don’t have one yet.
  • You’ll need a TelemetryDeck App ID. Create a new app if you don’t have one yet.
  • Follow the installing instructions on pub.dev.


Initialize the TelemetryClient like so:

void main() {
  // ensure the platform channels are available
  // configure and start the TelemetryClient
  runApp(const MyApp());

Permission for internet access

Sending signals requires access to the internet so the following permission should be added to the app’s AndroidManifest.xml:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

Sending signals

Send a signal using the following method:


Signals with additional attributes

Append any number of custom attributes to a signal:

  additionalPayload: {"attributeName": "value"});

The Flutter SDK uses the native SDKs for Android and iOS which offer a number of built-in attributes which are submitted with every signal. You can overwrite these attributes by providing a custom value with the same key. For more information on how each value is calcualted, check the corresponding platform library:

  • majorMinorSystemVersion
  • telemetryClientVersion
  • isTestFlight (iOS only)
  • isDebug
  • architecture
  • modelName
  • isAppStore
  • appVersion
  • operatingSystem
  • systemVersion
  • majorSystemVersion
  • targetEnvironment
  • isSimulator (iOS only)
  • platform (iOS only)
  • buildNumber (iOS only)
  • locale
  • dartVersion
  • brand (Android only)

Stop sending signals

Prevent signals from being sent using the stop method:


In order to restart sending events, you will need to call the start method again.

Test mode

If your app’s build configuration is set to “Debug”, all signals sent will be marked as testing signals. In the Telemetry Viewer app, activate Test Mode to see those.

If you want to manually control whether test mode is active, you can set the testMode field:

  testMode: true));

Custom Server

A very small subset of our customers will want to use a custom signal ingestion server or a custom proxy server. To do so, you can pass the URL of the custom server to the TelemetryManagerConfiguration:

  apiBaseURL: "https://nom.telemetrydeck.com"));

Logging output

By default, some logs helpful for monitoring TelemetryDeck are printed out to the console. You can enable additional logs by setting the debug field to true:

void main() {
      debug: true));