TelemetryDeck supports Swift

Privacy-First, Real-Time Analytics for iPhone and Mac Apps

TelemetryDeck is the privacy-focused analytics service for Swift apps for all Apple platforms. Learn how to make your users happier and convert them to customers quicker—all without processing any personal data.

Trusted by app developers worldwide

Data Points

“Can't believe how easy and useful TelemetryDeck is. Love the dashboard customisation options. Looks like I'll be adding some analytics to some apps.”

GIFWrapped GIFWrapped
Jordi Bruin
Posture Pal

“Y’all are doing excellent things with TelemetryDeck. Having come from Firebase, I’m so much happier with the ability to present the data I gather in ways that actually make sense to me.”

GIFWrapped GIFWrapped
Daniel 'Jelly' Farrelly

“TelemetryDeck was by far the easiest tool to set up and quickly get insights about how my app actually gets used. I love the predefined insights it offers, as well as the ability to create my own. And all of that with top-notch privacy!”

GIFWrapped GIFWrapped
Leo Mehlig

Part of the community

Thousands of app developers trust TelemetryDeck

Did you know that some of the most influencial app developers analyze their app with TelemetryDeck?

We are a proud part of the Swift developer community and are in contact with many app developers in the social networks. We have introduced a few exciting Swift apps and their developers on our blog.

Read their statements about working with SwiftUI and find out more about how this platform has changed over time here.

The TelemetryDeck dashboard with a view of the main interface showing some standard insights like app versions and system versions.

4 minute setup

Include TelemetryDeck in your app with these 3 steps

This is how you get your analytics data:

  1. Create an account and get started for free
  2. Install the SDK using Swift Package Manager or CocoaPods
  3. Initialize with your app ID

Done! You’ll see real-time data on your dashboard within minutes.


import TelemetryDeck

// Set up once
let config = TelemetryDeck.Config(
  appID: "YOUR-APP-ID"
TelemetryDeck.initialize(config: config)

// Later, send signals

Daily Active Users

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Gain value immediately

Get started with the most valuable charts

At the beginning, it can be difficult to select the relevant information from large amounts of data. We support you by showing you the most important data by default. Need more? No problem, create your own queries using the TelemetryDeck Query Language or our Visual Query Editor.

Pre-made dashboards. 
All the key insights every product leader needs are ready and waiting for you.
Visual Query Editor. 
Unlock insights effortlessly with our visual query editor
Automatic Error Tracking. 
TelemetryDeck will automatically categorize errors and crashes sent by your application so you know what to work on to improve software quality.

Clean data you can be proud of

Perfect Transparency for your customers

With TelemetryDeck, both your App Tracking Transparency Settings and your App Store Privacy labels are pristine.

No data linked to your customers, no sketchy entries in the App Tracking screens, no unusual requests for tracking, and no hassle with App Review*.

* well, no hassle with privacy and analytics anyway 😅


Optimizing conversions

one sec's Frederik Riedel: "TelemetryDeck is the perfect analytics ally"

“For app developers like me who are seeking data-driven insights while prioritizing user privacy, TelemetryDeck is a game-changer. I see the progress TelemetryDeck has made since its introduction and am in awe of how far they've already come.”

Frederik Riedel – one sec Developer

Ready to get started?

Start getting meaningful data today!