TelemetryDeck supports Flutter

Privacy-First, Real-Time Analytics for Flutter Apps

TelemetryDeck is the privacy-focused Analytics for Flutter Apps. Gain actionable insights to improve user journeys, boost customer success, streamline development, and increase conversions—all without processing any personal data. Easy integration lets you start leveraging data instantly.


Trusted by developers worldwide

Data Points

4 minute setup

Include TelemetryDeck in your Flutter App with these 3 steps

This is how you get your analytics data:

  • Step 1: Create an account and get started for free
  • Step 2: Install the SDK into your app from
  • Step 3: Publish your app

Done! You’ll see real-time data on your dashboard within minutes.

TelemetryDeck offers actionable insights to enhance your user journey, customer success, development process, and conversion rates. Moreover, it does not process any personally identifiable information. This makes TelemetryDeck easy to integrate into your app, allowing you to start working with the data immediately.


void main() {
  runApp(const MyApp());
The telemetryDeck dashboard with a view of the main interface showing some standard insights like app versions and system versions.

Get started in minutes

Quick Setup for fast-moving development teams

As developers, we understand the struggle of complicated third-party services. That's why we've built a service that's quick to integrate and easy to use.

Ultra-quick setup. 
TelemetryDeck can be integrated into your product, app or website in minutes
Event tracking. 
Capture specific user interactions within your app to analyze behaviors and optimize user experiences.
Cookieless Tracking. 
We do not store any data at all in cookies so you don't have to show annoying cookie banners or deal with GDPR hassle.

“Can't believe how easy and useful TelemetryDeck is. Love the dashboard customisation options. Looks like I'll be adding some analytics to some apps.”

GIFWrapped GIFWrapped
Jordi Bruin
Posture Pal

“2 days in and I learned a lot already! 50% of users are on the Apple Watch and one important feature seems to be invisible to 2/3 of the users. Something I can hopefully improve in the future! Fantastic product!”


“I integrated Telemetry and it's now been released on the store – so cool seeing the signals come in real time! And the setup process was really simple too 😍”

GIFWrapped GIFWrapped
Shaun Donnelly
Personal Best

Daily Active Users

Updated just now
Onboarding funnel with drop-off

Gain value immediately

Get started with the most valuable charts

It may be challenging to sift through large volumes of data to find relevant information. We assist you by defaulting to the most important data. If you need additional information, you can easily create your own queries using the TelemetryDeck Query Language or our Visual Query Editor.

Pre-made dashboards. 
All the key insights every product leader needs are ready and waiting for you.
Visual Query Editor. 
Unlock insights effortlessly with our visual query editor
TelemetryDeck Query Language. 
Use our JSON-based query language to retrieve exactly the data you need in exactly the format you need it.

Flutter App Case Study

22% onboarding optimisation with funnel analysis and cookieless tracking

Read the story about how Flutter Developer Jonah uses App Analytics to better understand his users and optimise the app. Although he processes sensitive medical data, he can use App Analytics from TelemetryDeck without any hassle.

Three european union flags in the wind, in front of a barely visible skyline.

Forget consent management

All of the data, none of the asking

Dealing with the GDPR is a major challenge for app developers and we can't make this EU regulation go away. But what we can do for you is make a very time-consuming part of GDPR compliance obsolete: Consent management.

Because user tracking with TelemetryDeck does not involve processing any personal data, there is no need to request consent, document safe data storage, or respond to deletion requests. This approach saves you hours of development time and days spent on paperwork and managing deletion requests.

Get all the features you need

What we offer

Custom dashboards
Custom events
Multi-platform support
Real-time analytics
Lightweight design
A/B testing
GDPR & DPA compliance
TADPF & DPF compliance
CCPA & PECR compliance
iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS support
visionOS support
Simple and direct Flutter integration

Ready to get started?

Start getting meaningful data today!