#docs #tql #intervals

Time intervals and relative time intervals

A TelemetryDeck query always affects a certain time interval, which you can specify either in absolute terms, or relative to the query execution time.

A TelemetryDeck query always needs at least one specified time interval to run against. You can either specify a specific time interval (such as “June 1st, 2022 to June 31st, 2022”), or you can use a relative time interval (such as “the last 30 days”).

It is possible to specify multiple disjunct intervals for a query, for example to compare the current month with the same month last year.

A TelemetryDeck query can either have the relativeIntervals property set to an array of Relative Time Interval objects or have the intervals property set to an array of Absolute Time Interval strings.

Relative Time Intervals

In the following example, we’re going to use relative time intervals. Here’s an example relative interval for the last 30 days.

  "beginningDate": {
    "component": "day",
    "offset": -30,
    "position": "beginning"
  "endDate": {
    "component": "day",
    "offset": 0,
    "position": "end"

The beginningDate is the start of the interval, and the endDate is the end of the interval. The component is the time unit, and the offset is the number of units. The position is either “beginning” or “end”, and determines whether the point in time is at the beginning or the end of the component – usually, you’ll want beginning for the beginningDate and end for the endDate.

Absolute Time Intervals

An absolute time interval object is a string containing two ISO-8601 timestamps separated by a / character:
