Optimize conversion rates

We help you bring your web shop to the next level

Customer experience is everything. We give you the data basis for optimizing your conversion rates. With TelemetryDeck you get 100% of the data and can answer every product-related question.

Trusted by creators worldwide

Data Points
A person with short brown hair, wearing a dark shirt and holding a laptop in their hands while looking happy and proud.

Make data-driven decisions

Close data gaps

With TelemetryDeck, consent for tracking is NOT required.

With our solution, you close the data gap created by the increasing number of users who refuse personal tracking.

Did you know that 96% of iPhone users opt out of tracking? Forget this number, because if you work with TelemetryDeck, you also get the usage data from these 96% - without any legal risk.

Macro shot of a circuit board, the text "Safeguard personal data, while using it to elevate customer experiences" is over it. The text is white and the background color of the text is pink.

Consumers care for privacy

Use the current trends for your business

Customers are becoming increasingly sensitive when it comes to their data. With TelemetryDeck you get important data for your business AND respect your target group’s demand for privacy.

“83% of consumers say that protection of their personal data is one of the most crucial factors in companies’ ability to earn their trust. When asked specifically about privacy, a significant majority of consumers (80%) also demand assurances that their personal information won’t be shared.”

—PwC’s Voice of the Consumer Survey 2024
A Black person of color jumps over hurdles during athletics. The camera is at a low-angle shot.

Work on the stuff that matters

Usage analytics without legal and organizational hassles

Add our SDK to your product in 5 minutes and see anonymized usage data.

TelemetryDeck offers actionable insights to enhance your user journey, customer success, development process, and conversion rates. Moreover, it does not process any personally identifiable information. This makes TelemetryDeck easy to integrate into your app, allowing you to start working with the data immediately.

The TelemetryDeck dashboard with a view of the main interface showing some standard insights like app versions and system versions.

TelemetryDeck is awesome for


Forget consent management

All of the data, none of the asking

Dealing with the GDPR is a major challenge for the e-commerce industry and we can't make this EU regulation go away. But what we can do for you is make a very time-consuming part of GDPR compliance obsolete: Consent management.

Since user tracking with TelemetryDeck does not process any personal data, you do not need to request consent, document the safe storage of data, and react to deletion requests. This easily saves you hours of development time and days of filling out forms and responding to deletion requests.

Three european union flags in the wind, in front of a barely visible skyline.