#docs #articles #Swift #SDK

TelemetryDeck Swift Client Reference

The TelemetryDeck Swift Client is a Swift Package to include in your app

Include the Swift Client in your Xcode Project

See the Swift Guide on how to set up your app to use the TelemetryDeck Swift Client.


Init the TelemetryDeck at app startup, so it knows your App ID (you can retrieve the App ID in the TelemetryDeck Viewer app, under App Settings)

let config = TelemetryDeck.Config(appID: "<YOUR-APP-ID>")
TelemetryDeck.initialize(config: config)

For example, if you’re building a scene based app, in the init() function for your App:

import SwiftUI
import TelemetryDeck

struct TelemetryTestApp: App {
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {

    init() {
        // Note: Do not add this code to `WindowGroup.onAppear`, which will be called
        //       *after* your window has been initialized, and might lead to out initialization
        //       occurring too late.
        let config = TelemetryDeck.Config(appID: "<YOUR-APP-ID>")
        TelemetryDeck.initialize(config: config)

Sending Signals

Once you’ve included the TelemetryDeck Swift Client, send signals like so:


TelemetryDeck will create a user identifier for your user that is specific to app installation and device. If you have a better user identifier available, you can use that instead: (the identifier will be hashed before sending it)

let email = MyConfiguration.User.Email
TelemetryDeck.signal"userLoggedIn", customUserID: email)

Payload Data

You can also send additional parameters with each signal:

TelemetryDeck.signal("databaseUpdated", parameters: ["numberOfDatabaseEntries": "3831"])

TelemetryDeck will automatically send base parameters with these keys:

  • TelemetryDeck.AppInfo.buildNumber
  • TelemetryDeck.AppInfo.dartVersion
  • TelemetryDeck.AppInfo.version
  • TelemetryDeck.AppInfo.versionAndBuildNumber
  • TelemetryDeck.Device.architecture
  • TelemetryDeck.Device.brand
  • TelemetryDeck.Device.modelName
  • TelemetryDeck.Device.operatingSystem
  • TelemetryDeck.Device.orientation
  • TelemetryDeck.Device.platform
  • TelemetryDeck.Device.screenResolutionWidth
  • TelemetryDeck.Device.screenResolutionHeight
  • TelemetryDeck.Device.systemMajorVersion
  • TelemetryDeck.Device.systemMajorMinorVersion
  • TelemetryDeck.Device.systemVersion
  • TelemetryDeck.Device.timeZone
  • TelemetryDeck.RunContext.extensionIdentifier
  • TelemetryDeck.RunContext.isAppStore
  • TelemetryDeck.RunContext.isDebug
  • TelemetryDeck.RunContext.isSimulator
  • TelemetryDeck.RunContext.isTestFlight
  • TelemetryDeck.RunContext.language
  • TelemetryDeck.RunContext.locale
  • TelemetryDeck.RunContext.targetEnvironment
  • TelemetryDeck.SDK.name
  • TelemetryDeck.SDK.nameAndVersion
  • TelemetryDeck.SDK.version
  • TelemetryDeck.UserPreference.region
  • TelemetryDeck.UserPreference.language

Debug Mode

TelemetryDeck will not send any signals if you are in DEBUG Mode. You can override this by setting configuration.telemetryAllowDebugBuilds = true on your TelemetryDeck.Configuration instance.