iOS versions market share in February 2023
Our first Orbital Survey of 2023! It'll look at how the various operating systems we offer SDKs for are faring.

As of February 1, 2023, these are the market shares of major iOS versions in the TelemetryDeck data set:
- iOS 16: 86.5%
- iOS 15: 13.0%
- iOS 14: 0.2%
- Other: 0.3%
Compared to our last Orbital Survey, the overwhelming majority of iPhones is now running iOS 16.
iOS 14 is almost completely gone, and only all small number of phones are still running iOS 15.
Almost all iPhones are running iOS 16

Adoption of iOS 16, which was released to the public on September 12, 2022, was fairly quick. After just one day, more than a quarter of iOS devices in the TelemetryDeck data set were running iOS 16.
On October 20, 2022, just 39 days after the public release, more devices were running iOS 16 than were running iOS 15, at 46.5% running iOS 16 and 44.5% of devices running iOS 15.
On November 3, 2022, more devices were running iOS 16 than any other iOS version.
On February 1, 2023, 86.5% of all iPhones are running iOS 16.
See below for a list of our biases. Want updated information about iOS or Android adoption rates? Subscribe to our newsletter!
iOS 17 is coming

Because Apple is internally testing apps on their development builds and test devices, we can see whenever they do more testing. It seems as if testing has had a surge in January 2023. This is not surprising, but it is pretty cool to see.
We expect an iOS beta launch for WWDC in June 2023 and the final launch in September 2023, as is customary.
So far there are no mentions of xrOS, the operating system for Apple's rumored headset, in the TelemetryDeck data set.
State of iOS versions in January 2023

This chart shows how quick to update iOS users are. Every time Apple releases a new version, be it a point release or a major new version, an overwhelming majority of users are very quick to update.
This is excellent news for developers and users alike: users who run the latest versions of the operating systems not only get all the new features but also tend to be more safe from malware, spyware, and security leaks.
And of course this is wonderful news for developers: by now almost all developers can safely requier iOS 16 for their apps without excluding too many customers.
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Biases in the TelemetryDeck data set
- Our data set currently skews towards small and independent developers, who in turn tend to have more technically minded users.
- The oldest iOS version our SDK supports is iOS 12, so we have no data before that.
- We use the aggregated data from the 1450 apps we manage and around 24.6 million monthly active users. These charts will be more accurate as we grow.
- Our data set is mostly American and European apps (our most used locales are en_US at 43%, followed by de_DE at 6.5% and en_GB at 5.6%) Things might look different in other regions. Below is a chart of our combined locales over time: