Migrating the TelemetryDeck SDK to Swift 6
We like to be good citizens in the Swift community and therefore followed Apple's call for migrating any 3rd-party SDKs to Swift 6 language mode. This way, when our customers decide to make the switch, our SDK is ready and provides full data-race safety enforced by the Swift compiler.

Many experienced developers are hesitant to add many outside dependencies to their apps – and for good reason. Successful projects are here to stay for a long time, and the amount of maintenance required is a key consideration when deciding if one should add a new dependency or not. We at TelemetryDeck try to make this decision as simple as possible for our customers, by making sure to follow Apple's latest guidelines and best practices in a timely manner.
And this summer at WWDC 2024 the longest session of them all was migrating your app to Swift 6 for a reason. This major new update to the language brings a new level of safety – namely data-race safety – which is awesome news for more correct code, but it also comes with a lot of new requirements we all need to adapt to.
While the Swift team did a great job at making sure you can turn on these new safety checks at your own pace, we wanted to make sure our SDK is ready ahead of time and documented the entire migration process in this article for others to learn from. This is our contribution to help the community migrate.
First Steps
In their WWDC session, Apple recommends enabling "complete concurrency checking" while staying in Swift 5 mode first. This will give you warnings instead of errors, so you can tackle the warnings step by step over time. Our SDK is small and consists of just ~2k lines of code, so we opted for fixing everything in one go.
To turn these checks on, we need to add .enableExperimentalFeature
to our targets' swiftSettings
like so:
// swift-tools-version: 5.9
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
// ...
targets: [
name: "TelemetryDeck",
resources: [.copy("PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy")],
swiftSettings: [.enableExperimentalFeature("StrictConcurrency")]
name: "TelemetryDeckTests",
dependencies: ["TelemetryDeck"],
swiftSettings: [.enableExperimentalFeature("StrictConcurrency")]
Note that you need to set swift-tools-version
to at least 5.8
in order to use this flag
With these steps out of the way, we can finally build the project to see all the issues the project has when it comes to data-race safety in Swift 6. The following 3 sections explain how we fixed the ~30 issues we've run into in our code, grouped by the solution we applied and an explanation why we opted for that solution with a code sample.
and MainActor.run
While most of our SDK code is designed to run perfectly fine in background threads, there is one exception:
/// Keeps track of the last used navigation path for ``navigationPathChanged(to:)`` to have a `from`.
class NavigationStatus {
static let shared = NavigationStatus()
var previousNavigationPath: String?
And we were told by a vigilant customer, we did get a warning for the shared
property stating this:
Static property 'shared
' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'NavigationStatus
' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
In this particular case, because the navigation path change is directly related to an app's UI which always runs on the main thread, we can simply mark the entire type as @MainActor
class NavigationStatus {
static let shared = NavigationStatus()
var previousNavigationPath: String?
This tells the compiler to restrict access to the main thread (or "actor", or "queue"). Calls from other contexts will require an async context with an await
call. This is probably going to be a very common solution in app projects that consist mostly of UI code.
Marking the entire type as @MainActor
immediately created errors for all functions where NavigationStatus.shared
were being accessed, such as:
Main actor-isolated property 'previousNavigationPath
' can not be referenced from a non-isolated context
Marking these functions as @MainActor
resolved these errors. For example:
public static func navigationPathChanged(to destination: String) {
let source = NavigationStatus.shared.previousNavigationPath ?? ""
// ...
Note that when in a SwiftUI or UIKit view, you already are in the @MainActor
context implicitly and can call these functions normally. So this change of requirement shouldn't affect existing usage of this function by our customers.
In another place, we ran into the following warning:
Main actor-isolated class property 'willEnterForegroundNotification
' can not be referenced from a non-isolated context; this is an error in Swift 6
The code causing this looks like this:
selector: #selector(willEnterForeground),
name: UIApplication.willEnterForegroundNotification,
object: nil
As we are observing UI changes, we should run this code from the main actor. The easiest way to do this when outside a view is to call MainActor.run
within a Task
. But because our SDK is compatible back to iOS 12 and Task
is only available from iOS 13 onwards, we opted for DispatchQueue.main.async
instead, which has the same effect:
DispatchQueue.main.async {
selector: #selector(willEnterForeground),
name: UIApplication.willEnterForegroundNotification,
object: nil
This resolved the warning.
Computed Properties vs. Stored Properties
The most common kind of warning we ran into was stating something like this:
Static property 'iso8601
' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable
' type 'ISO8601DateFormatter
' may have shared mutable state; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
The related Swift code looked like this:
extension Formatter {
static let iso8601: ISO8601DateFormatter = {
let formatter = ISO8601DateFormatter()
formatter.formatOptions = [
return formatter
The reason why this code is not concurrency-safe is that ISO8601DateFormatter
is a class
and therefore a reference type. And the properties of a reference type can be changed even when they are defined as a let
constant. So while the iso8601
formatter is being accessed in one context, it might get changed from another context due to its mutable nature. This is a race condition and could lead to unexpected behavior.
As ISO8601DateFormatter
is a type defined within Foundation, we can't make it concurrency-safe itself, so we just need to deal with its mutable nature and work around it. The easiest way to this in our case was to turn our let
constant into a get-only computed property, like so:
extension Formatter {
static var iso8601: ISO8601DateFormatter {
let formatter = ISO8601DateFormatter()
formatter.formatOptions = [
return formatter
What makes this concurrency-safe is the fact that we don't have a setter. In our SDK, this exact solution could be applied in 6 different places, reducing our warnings from 21 to 15.
Value Types vs. Reference Types
Another common warning we ran into was this:
Capture of 'configuration
' with non-sendable conforming `TelemetryManagerConfiguration
` to `Sendable
`; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
The related Swift code for the warning:
func processSignal(configuration: TelemetryManagerConfiguration) {
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .utility).async {
let enrichedMetadata: [String: String] = configuration.metadataEnrichers
// ...
First, the reason why we are in a Sendable
(one could also say "concurrency-safe") closure is that we are calling into DispatchQueue.async
which marks the trailing closure as @Sendable
. Inside a Sendable
("concurrency-safe") context, the Swift 6 compiler makes sure that all types and functions used within are also Sendable
. So if one is not marked or inferred as such, we need to tell the compiler ourselves that the type or function is concurrency-safe.
So let's check if we can conform our type to be Sendable
, it looks something like this:
public final class TelemetryManagerConfiguration {
/// Your app's identifier on TelemetryDeck.
/// Set this during initialization.
public let telemetryAppID: String
/// Globally set your user's un-hashed
/// name/email/identifier here.
public var defaultUser: String?
According to the docs, a class can only be Sendable
if it's marked as final
(check!), has no superclass or NSObject
(check!), and all stored properties are immutable (oh no!). Since we need defaultUser
to be mutable, we can't conform it to Sendable
But looking at how the configuration
is being used in the SDK, we couldn't find a good reason why this was marked as final class
in the first place. So we decided to switch it up to be a struct
instead, which only has the requirement that all its members are Sendable
themselves. String
and Optional<String>
conform to Sendable
, so now we can mark the whole type to conform to Sendable
public struct TelemetryManagerConfiguration: Sendable {
/// Your app's identifier on TelemetryDeck.
/// Set this during initialization.
public let telemetryAppID: String
/// Globally set your user's un-hashed
/// name/email/identifier here.
public var defaultUser: String?
This change lead to the error Cannot assign to property: 'configuration' is a 'let' constant
in a couple of places. The fix was easy though, we just had to change any stored properties from being a let
constant to a var
like so:
// Before: (TelemetryManagerConfiguration was a reference type)
private let configuration: TelemetryManagerConfiguration
// After: (TelemetryManagerConfiguration is a value type)
private var configuration: TelemetryManagerConfiguration
It was always a best practice in Swift to use value types wherever possible (for various reasons). Now, with data-race safety checked by the compiler, this advantage becomes even more apparent.
When @unchecked Sendable
is appropriate
In some other places we ran into this warning:
Capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'SignalManager' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
The related code was in the same function as above, but for a different reason:
func processSignal(configuration: TelemetryManagerConfiguration) {
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .utility).async {
let userID = self.defaultUserIdentifier
// ...
Again, we are in a concurrency-safe context (Dispatch.async
) and are calling into self
, which is of type SignalManager
and does not conform to Sendable
as you can see here:
class SignalManager: SignalManageable {
private var signalCache: SignalCache<SignalPostBody>
let configuration: TelemetryManagerConfiguration
private var sendTimer: Timer?
// ...
This time, we had a good reason the type needs to be a class: Due to linking into NotificationCenter
observers, it needs to support the old #selector
API which requires a class with functions marked as @objc
. So let's conform the class itself to Sendable
final class SignalManager: SignalManageable, Sendable {
private var signalCache: SignalCache<SignalPostBody>
let configuration: TelemetryManagerConfiguration
private var sendTimer: Timer?
// ...
Unfortunately, this does not work, we're getting a new warning:
Stored property 'signalCache' of 'Sendable'-conforming class 'SignalManager' is mutable; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
And while the compiler doesn't emit it immediately, surely when commenting out signalCache
we also get the same warning for the sendTimer
stored property. Remember that a class can't have a mutable stored property if it wants to conform to Sendable
. So how to fix this?
A deeper look at these two parameters and their usage can either uncover a data race in our code that always existed, and we are now made aware of. Or it might reveal that we actually can't have a data-race due to our existing logic and just need to tell the compiler to assume our type is Sendable
Digging deeper, I found that sendTimer
is only set upon init
on app start and when returning the app from the background. Those are not things that can happen concurrently, so there's no potential for a race condition.
As for the signalCache
, a look into the type's implementation reveals that it uses a DispatchQueue
internally and runs any changes using the sync
method on it, which blocks concurrent access and therefore also avoids race conditions:
internal class SignalCache<T> where T: Codable {
private var cachedSignals: [T] = []
let queue = DispatchQueue(
label: "telemetrydeck-signal-cache",
attributes: .concurrent
/// Insert a Signal into the cache
func push(_ signal: T) {
queue.sync(flags: .barrier) {
// ...
So, we now know that we didn't have a data-race safety issue in our SignalManager
type (and SignalCache
type) in the first place. And that means we can mark (both) as @unchecked Sendable
to tell the compiler that it doesn't need to check its data-race safety and we, the developers, take responsibility for doing that instead:
final class SignalManager: SignalManageable, @unchecked Sendable {
private var signalCache: SignalCache<SignalPostBody>
let configuration: TelemetryManagerConfiguration
private var sendTimer: Timer?
// ...
While this is not perfect because we might introduce race conditions in these types at a later point without noticing (and the compiler wouldn't detect them), we need to live with this situation for years to come for compatibility reasons. Apple engineers also use this all over the place, for example, the Timer
type itself is marked as @unchecked Sendable
Low-Hanging Fruits
When conforming types to Sendable
, it's common to run into a warning like this for stored properties:
Stored property 'logHandler' of 'Sendable'-conforming struct 'TelemetryManagerConfiguration' has non-sendable type 'LogHandler?'; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
The related stored property code was this:
public var logHandler: LogHandler? = LogHandler.stdout(.info)
The fix in these cases is often as simple as adding the Sendable
protocol conformance to your public structs and enums. Internal value types don't even need this, as they are automatically inferred to be Sendable
. For example, we just added a couple of Sendable
conformances to our types and @Sendable
to closures in this code and the warnings disappeared:
public struct LogHandler: Sendable {
public enum LogLevel: Int, Sendable {
case debug = 0, info = 1, error = 2
let logLevel: LogLevel
let handler: @Sendable (LogLevel, String) -> Void
public init(
logLevel: LogHandler.LogLevel,
handler: @escaping @Sendable (LogHandler.LogLevel, String) -> Void
) {
self.logLevel = logLevel
self.handler = handler
Note also the added @Sendable
in the function parameter handler
right behind @escaping
Confirm full Swift 6 compatibility
After fixing all warnings, it's a good idea to double-check that everything would work as expected in Swift 6 mode. The easiest way to do this in a Swift package is (to open it in Xcode 16 and) setting the swift-tools-version
to 6.0
at the top of the Package.swift
manifest file:
// swift-tools-version: 6.0
Now, if the project builds without any errors – which it did for us – then we're all set! Of course, we won't be committing this change as it would bump the minimum requirement to use our SDK to Xcode 16, which is not what we want. But our project is ready for Swift 6 now!
Migrating to Swift 6 mode with all of its data-race safety glory was not an easy task. Despite our small project size, we ran into many warnings that all looked similar on the surface, but each of them needed careful consideration. We outlined the different solutions that worked for us above and explained why we opted for them. We hope this will help others with their migration to Swift 6.