Spring update 2023
Lisa and Daniel talk about how they are doing, which projects and challenges are currently underway, and why TelemetryDeck's pricing model is being restructured.

Spring is here! And more importantly: winter is over! At least in our hemisphere... This year, the change of seasons is playing a big role for us because we've finally left behind the winter with all its cold climates and large and small illnesses.
Daniel and I were affected a bit by whatever was going around, but we tried our best to not let it affect you all! It didn't always work out, and we're very grateful for the understanding that many of you showed when the email response times were sometimes a bit longer. Not that anyone ever doubted it, but we simply have the best customers. Now onwards into the sunshine 😎
Orbital Survey
Starting this year, we're publishing a monthly overview of the current iOS operating system versions out in the wild. Daniel will prep the figures on the 1st of each new month. You can follow these posts here, and subscribe to our newsletter to never miss an update!
New pricing plans starting April 14, 2023
Since the launch of TelemetryDeck in 2020, Daniel and I have learned a lot, and we're in close exchange with the iOS Developer community. We try to respond to your wishes and take your feedback very seriously in improving and bettering ourselves and TelemetryDeck.
The next step on that road is our pricing model: what's the best way to take into account the needs of our customers with regard to features and signal packages while building a stable company? The answer is, we'll revamp our pricing a bit.
Details to be determined, but here are the main points:
- The free tier will remain at 100,000 signals per month.
- If you are already on a paid plan, the price for that plan will not change for you – you'll be grandfathered in.
- There will be a slight increase of the price-per-signal, but our price tiers will be a better fit for the community, from small apps to big ones.
- The cheapest plan will start at 19 Euros per month and will include up to 1.5 million signals per month.
- There will be significantly more price tiers, so you can have better control over your costs.
- We're changing how we deal with exceeding signal limits: accounts that exceed the limit of signals included in their plan for 2 months in a row will be automatically upgraded to the next higher plan. Before the upgrade, we will inform the affected customers via email.
We hope that these changes will bring our customers' needs and our business goals closer together. Please send us your opinions and feedback via email or our social channels!
We'll inform all our customers of the changes via email before they take effect.
Product news
The most important changes in the past weeks were the Funnels feature and the support for earlier versions of Android. We've been asked several times if we could make our product roadmap public.
We like the idea, but we don't want to commit to things we can't deliver, so we'll have to think about how to represent our roadmap in a way that isn't misleading. In the meantime, here is a quick glimpse into our plans for the next few months, in no particular order:
- A/B Testing insights that work similar to Funnels
- React Native support
- Better support for website features in the JavaScript SDK
- Data Export
- Multiple Organizations per User
- Example Data
- Time Zone Support
We'll keep you updated 😊
Member shoutout April
Finally, we give you the opportunity to introduce your app to our customers. With our monthly Member Shoutout, we support apps on specific topics. In April, the stage belongs to developer tools. You can find all the details on how to participate here.