Update v2022-12
Today we're releasing our newest version of TelemetryDeck, dubbed v2022-12! Let me give you a whirlwind tour through the most important new features!

Retention chart

We have a new piece of information on the app frontpage: a retention chart that shows you how long your users are staying loyal to your app.
For each month, a full-color square represents the users first seen in this month. The squares in that month's row get lighter as users drop off. The more color you see, the longer your existing users are coming back.
The design and interaction of the retention chart is still slightly beta, but we couldn't wait to share it with you anyway! <3
System versions chart

We updated the system versions chart on the app frontpage from a donut chart to a horizontal bar chart.
Horizontal bar charts are better than donuts for statistical data because humans can more easily compare the size of the horizontal bars as compared to donut segments.
Combo box picker in insight editor

Somehow no less than 7 people requested this exact feature in one week, so it wandered straight from the backlog into the "to do soon" pile.
When you edit an insight, you can select the insight type and, if it is a Top-N insight, also the breakdown key. Previously this was a system dropdown... but not any more.
You can now full-text search in that dropdown, so if you have a huge number of signal types or payload keys, you can now quickly find what you need.
Customizable date ranges

The Dashboard sidebar has a new element in the date range picker. Select from one of the prepared ranges, or pick your own range and see all charts in the user interface update their displayed ranges immediately!
Wait... all charts? What about custom insights written in the TelemetryDeck Query Language, with a pre-configured date-range using the "intervals" or "relativeIntervals" properties? We have something for those as well:
Auto Relative Dates
In TelemetryDeck v2022-12, we made the "intervals" and "relativeIntervals" properties of custom TQL queries optional, and you can leave them out if you just want a default value.
If you don't specify either an "intervals" or a "relativeIntervals" property, we instead use the globally specified date range instead. This way, you can use the new date range picker to update date ranges in all Insights, both those created with the Insight Editor and those using a Custom Query.
Intersection post aggregator
The TelemetryDeck Query Language now supports the "thetaSketchSetOp INTERSECT" post aggregator, allowing you to find any intersection between any two sets of data.
This is used in retention queries (Which users are present now that were also present in July?) as well as an integral part of funnels (Which users sent the 'OnboardingStep1' signal, and the 'OnboardingStep2' signal and also sent the 'OnboardingStep3' signal?) and is a really versatile add-on to the growing feature set of TQL.
See our documentation on how to write a funnel query for a cool example of how to use the thetaSketchSetOp INTERSECT post-aggregator.
The server upgrade
We finally made it completely onto our new servers. Parts of the old infrastructure are still running and forwarding signals to the new one for the very few stragglers who refuse to update their DNS entries. This also gives us a recourse in case we find something missing a few months down the line: we can resurrect the old DB server and see if we can rummage around in there.
We hope you enjoy this new version of TelemetryDeck, and we hope it makes your apps even more awesome! And let us know how you feel, both good and bad, we love to hear your feedback. You can send me an email at daniel this domain.