Documentation Pages Tagged “articles”
What are insights and how do they work?
A reference of all things configurable in an Insight and what they mean
How to update a Swift package
Xcode doesn't update packages automatically. How do you tell Xcode to update to the newest version of a Swift Package? Or update all packages at once?
Getting started with Test Mode
Here's how to use Test Mode to get started with TelemetryDeck
TelemetryDeck Swift Client Reference
Reference documentation for the Swift Client for TelemetryDeck-using apps
How to name your signal types
Should you give your signal types a simple name, or use a more complex naming scheme? We'll help you decide.
Filters - How to use the Filter Editor
Sometimes, generic insights aren’t enough. With TelemetryDeck filters you can further specify what you’re really interested in your signals!
Navigation Signals
TelemetryDeck can track how users navigate through your app when you send navigation signals. Here's how these need to look like.
How to invite members to your organization
A guide on how to add members to your organization and collaborate
Making an account
Register an account and create an organization
Find out which operating system your users are using
A guide on how to create an insight that shows all operating systems used by users
Finding out the traffic sources for your Webpage
A guide on how to create an insight that displays your users´ referrers before accessing your website.
Quick set-up for your MAU insights
A guide on how to create an insight that displays the number of monthly users
Track the number of daily users in your app
A guide on how to create an insight that displays the number of daily users
Funnels - How they work
Funnels are here to help you understand your users. Watch how they navigate and flow through your app and find out how to improve your in-App processes with funnels!
TelemetryDeck's Grand Rename
To avoid ambiguity and clean up things for the long term, we have decided to rename quite a few things in all the TelemetryDeck SDKs. We have laid out a migration path, here's all you need to know about it.
How to write this Documentation
Here's how to contribute to the public TelemetryDeck documentation.
Picking your minimum iOS or Android version
Which minimum iOS or Android version should I pick?
Custom dashboards with insight groups
Getting started with custom dashboards
Detect if users update to the latest app version
From your vision into the app - Let's find out if your users update to the newest version and make those changes worth it.
Apple's app privacy details
Apple's App Store now requires developers to show a Privacy Details section. Here's how to fill out this section when you are using TelemetryDeck.
How app tracking transparency affects app developers
How iOS 14.5 is changing the playing field for App Developers and how it affects you.
Why is Apple's app privacy report important to you as an app developer?
We evaluate Apple's App Privacy Report from the perspective of app developers and explain common misconceptions.
Anonymization of user data
TelemetryDeck anonymizes user data, by double salting and hashing IDs, to ensure anonymity and protect user privacy while still providing valuable insights.