Documentation Pages Tagged “docs”


Specifies how query values are displayed in the TelemetryDeck UI.


Specifies how topN values should be sorted in the TelemetryDeck Query Language.

Top N Query

Groups a set of events by a dimension and aggregates them by a metric in the TelemetryDeck Query Language.

Timeseries Query

Groups a set of events by time and aggregates them by the chosen granularity in the TelemetryDeck Query Language.

Scan Query

The Scan query returns raw data rows.

Query Type

The type of TelemetryDeck query, for example `timeseries`, `topN`, `groupBy`, `funnel`.


Specifies how a query is calculated and cached in the TelemetryDeck Query Engine.

TQL Query Reference

TelemetryDeck Query Language is the advanced query language for TelemetryDeck. This page describes the query object.

Post Aggregators

Post-aggregations are specifications of processing that should happen on aggregated values as they come out of the timeseries DB in the TelemetryDeck Query Language.

Group By Query

Groups a set of events by a set of dimensions and aggregates them by a set of metrics in the TelemetryDeck Query Language.


The granularity of the TelemetryDeck Query Language query.

(Deprecated) Funnels

How to create funnels, or click-stream funnels, using the TelemetryDeck Query Language.

Funnel Query

Groups a set of events by a set of steps and aggregates them by a set of metrics in the TelemetryDeck Query Language.

Using TelemetryDeck with RevenueCat

Here's how to integrate TelemetryDeck with RevenueCat to combine usage data with purchase data.

Guideline for using TQL

TelemetryDeck Query Language is the advanced query language for TelemetryDeck. This page provides an overview of the main components and its overall structure.


Filters in the TelemetryDeck Query Language.

Extraction Function

Extraction functions define the transformation applied to each dimension value in the TelemetryDeck Query Language.

Experiment Query

Compares two sets of users to find out which of them is reaching a given success function more often in the TelemetryDeck Query Language.

Dimension Spec

DimensionSpecs define how dimension values get transformed prior to aggregation in the TelemetryDeck Query Language.


Whether to sort the results in descending order in the TelemetryDeck Query Language.

Data Source

The data source to query in the TelemetryDeck Query Language.


You can use aggregations at query time to summarize result data in the TelemetryDeck Query Language.

Base Filters

Specifies the default filters to be attached to a query before executing it in the TelemetryDeck Query Language.

Showing a list of events

Sometimes you don't want to aggregate your data, but instead show a list of events, like a list of error messages.

Calculating the average number of views per purchase

An example of how to think with TQL. You can take these queries and modify them to fit your needs.

Calculating Averages, Sums, Minimums and Maximums

A snippet for when you want the aggregate floatValues by sum, average, minimum or maximum in TelemetryDeck.

Using Google Tag Manager to include TelemetryDeck in your website

Learn how to include TelemetryDeck in your website using Google Tag Manager. This is a slightly different process than using the regular JavaScript snippet, so here's how to do it.

Using TelemetryDeck with Superwall iOS

Here's how to integrate TelemetryDeck with SuperWall to get insights into your paywalls.

Ingest API v2

Use the TelemetryDeck Ingest API to send signals to TelemetryDeck

(Deprecated) Ingest API v1

A reference of all properties of the Signal Ingestion API

Default Parameters

A list of default parameters that our SDKs send with every signal.

Web Setup Guide

How to include the TelemetryDeck SDK in your website or blog

Vue.js Setup Guide

How to include the TelemetryDeck SDK in Your Vue.js App

Swift Setup Guide

Configure the TelemetryDeck SDK in Your Swift Application for iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS

React and React Native Setup Guide

How to include the TelemetryDeck SDK in Your React or React Native App

Privacy FAQ

Frequently asked questions about TelemetryDeck's Privacy Policy

Objective-C Setup Guide

Configure the TelemetryDeck SDK in Your Objective-C Application for iOS and macOS

JavaScript App Setup Guide

How to include the TelemetryDeck SDK in Your JavaScript Application or Web App

Flutter Setup Guide

How to include the TelemetryDeck SDK in Your Flutter and Dart app

Android Setup Guide

Include the TelemetryDeck SDK in Your Android Application

Getting started with Test Mode

Here's how to use Test Mode to get started with TelemetryDeck

How to update a Swift package

Xcode doesn't update packages automatically. How do you tell Xcode to update to the newest version of a Swift Package? Or update all packages at once?

TelemetryDeck Swift Client Reference

Reference documentation for the Swift Client for TelemetryDeck-using apps

How to name your signal types

Should you give your signal types a simple name, or use a more complex naming scheme? We'll help you decide.

Filters - How to use the Filter Editor

Sometimes, generic insights aren’t enough. With TelemetryDeck filters you can further specify what you’re really interested in your signals!

Navigation Signals

TelemetryDeck can track how users navigate through your app when you send navigation signals. Here's how these need to look like.

Making an account

Register an account and create an organization

How to invite members to your organization

A guide on how to add members to your organization and collaborate

What are insights and how do they work?

A reference of all things configurable in an Insight and what they mean

Find out which operating system your users are using

A guide on how to create an insight that shows all operating systems used by users

Finding out the traffic sources for your Webpage

A guide on how to create an insight that displays your users´ referrers before accessing your website.

Quick set-up for your MAU insights

A guide on how to create an insight that displays the number of monthly users

Track the number of daily users in your app

A guide on how to create an insight that displays the number of daily users

Funnels - How they work

Funnels are here to help you understand your users. Watch how they navigate and flow through your app and find out how to improve your in-App processes with funnels!

TelemetryDeck's Grand Rename

To avoid ambiguity and clean up things for the long term, we have decided to rename quite a few things in all the TelemetryDeck SDKs. We have laid out a migration path, here's all you need to know about it.

Track time-based user engagement with Duration Signals

Duration Signals allow you to measure how long users spend on specific activities in your app with millisecond precision.

How to write this Documentation

Here's how to contribute to the public TelemetryDeck documentation.

Picking your minimum iOS or Android version

Which minimum iOS or Android version should I pick?

Custom dashboards with insight groups

Getting started with custom dashboards

Detect if users update to the latest app version

From your vision into the app - Let's find out if your users update to the newest version and make those changes worth it.

Apple's app privacy details

Apple's App Store now requires developers to show a Privacy Details section. Here's how to fill out this section when you are using TelemetryDeck.

How app tracking transparency affects app developers

How iOS 14.5 is changing the playing field for App Developers and how it affects you.

Why is Apple's app privacy report important to you as an app developer?

We evaluate Apple's App Privacy Report from the perspective of app developers and explain common misconceptions.

Anonymization of user data

TelemetryDeck anonymizes user data, by double salting and hashing IDs, to ensure anonymity and protect user privacy while still providing valuable insights.

Signals Reference

A reference of all properties of a Signal

Insights Reference

A reference of all things configurable in an Insight and what they mean

Run Query

Using the TelemetryDeck API, you can run a query and retrieve its results

Get the query for an Insight

Using the TelemetryDeck API, you can retrieve the query that is used in an insight

Glossary of Terms

A list of common terms used in the TelemetryDeck ecosystem and what they mean

Time intervals and relative time intervals

How to to define absolute or relative time intervals for your queries

Get an API Token

How to get a Bearer Token to authenticate against the TelemetryDeck API