Documentation Pages Tagged “tql”
Specifies how topN values should be sorted in the TelemetryDeck Query Language.
Top N Query
Groups a set of events by a dimension and aggregates them by a metric in the TelemetryDeck Query Language.
Timeseries Query
Groups a set of events by time and aggregates them by the chosen granularity in the TelemetryDeck Query Language.
Scan Query
The Scan query returns raw data rows.
Query Type
The type of TelemetryDeck query, for example `timeseries`, `topN`, `groupBy`, `funnel`.
TQL Query Reference
TelemetryDeck Query Language is the advanced query language for TelemetryDeck. This page describes the query object.
Post Aggregators
Post-aggregations are specifications of processing that should happen on aggregated values as they come out of the timeseries DB in the TelemetryDeck Query Language.
Group By Query
Groups a set of events by a set of dimensions and aggregates them by a set of metrics in the TelemetryDeck Query Language.
The granularity of the TelemetryDeck Query Language query.
(Deprecated) Funnels
How to create funnels, or click-stream funnels, using the TelemetryDeck Query Language.
Funnel Query
Groups a set of events by a set of steps and aggregates them by a set of metrics in the TelemetryDeck Query Language.
Filters in the TelemetryDeck Query Language.
Extraction Function
Extraction functions define the transformation applied to each dimension value in the TelemetryDeck Query Language.
Experiment Query
Compares two sets of users to find out which of them is reaching a given success function more often in the TelemetryDeck Query Language.
Dimension Spec
DimensionSpecs define how dimension values get transformed prior to aggregation in the TelemetryDeck Query Language.
Whether to sort the results in descending order in the TelemetryDeck Query Language.
Data Source
The data source to query in the TelemetryDeck Query Language.
Base Filters
Specifies the default filters to be attached to a query before executing it in the TelemetryDeck Query Language.
You can use aggregations at query time to summarize result data in the TelemetryDeck Query Language.
Time intervals and relative time intervals
How to to define absolute or relative time intervals for your queries