#docs #guides #Setup #JavaScript #Node #NPM #TypeScript #Vue #VueJS

Vue.js Setup Guide

You have an account, and you have an app ID. Now let's include the TelemetryClient Package in your Vue.js application


  • You’ll need a TelemetryDeck account. Sign up for free if you don’t have one yet.
  • You’ll need a TelemetryDeck App ID. Create a new app if you don’t have one yet.


npm i @peerigon/telemetrydeck-vue --save


Set up the plugin in your application setup:

import TelemetryDeckPlugin from "@peerigon/telemetrydeck-vue";

const app = createApp(App);
app.use(TelemetryDeckPlugin, {
  appID: "{your telemetrydeck appID}",
  testMode: true, // optional - defaults to false
  clientUser: "Guest", // optional - defaults to 'Guest'


Basic Usage

<script setup lang="ts">
import { useTelemetryDeck } from "@peerigon/telemetrydeck-vue";
const { signal, queue, setClientUser } = useTelemetryDeck();

const changeClientUserClick = () => {
  setClientUser("user" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000));

const buttonSignalClick = () => {
  signal("example_signal_event_name", {
    custom_data: "other_data", // any custom data as required

const buttonQueueClick = () => {
  queue("example_queue_event_name", {
    custom_data: "other_data", // any custom data as required

const buttonSignalClickWithOptions = () => {
      custom_data: "other_data", // any custom data as required
      testMode: true,
      clientUser: "other_user",
      appID: "other_app_id",
  ); // telemetryDeck options (optional)

const buttonQueueClickWithOptions = () => {
      custom_data: "other_data", // any custom data as required
      testMode: true,
      clientUser: "other_user",
      appID: "other_app_id",
  ); // telemetryDeck options (optional)

      <button id="btnSignalClick" @click="buttonSignalClick">
        Log a click with signal
      <button id="btnQueueClick" @click="buttonQueueClick">
        Log a click with queue
      <button id="btnSetClient" @click="changeClientUserClick">
        Change user
        Log a click with signal with Options
        Log a click with queue with Options


The development of the TelemetryDeck Vue SDK was graciously provided by our friends at Augsburg-based bespoke software development company Peerigon. Thanks a lot, and check them out for your application development needs. 🧡

Follow the development on GitHub