#docs #tql


A filter indicates which rows of data should be included in the computation for a query.

A filter is essentially the equivalent of the WHERE clause in SQL.

Filters can be chained and combined with the and and or and not operators into a tree of filters with one root filter.

Logical Expression Filters


The and operator combines multiple filters into a single filter that only matches rows that match all sub-filters.

"filter": { "type": "and", "fields": [<filter>, <filter>, ...] }


The or operator combines multiple filters into a single filter that matches rows that match any sub-filter.

"filter": { "type": "or", "fields": [<filter>, <filter>, ...] }


The not operator negates a filter.

"filter": { "type": "not", "field": <filter> }

Value Filters


The selector filter matches rows where the value of a dimension is equal to the specified value.

"filter": { "type": "selector", "dimension": "appID", "value": "AABBCC" }

Column Comparison

The columnComparison filter is similar to the selector filter, but instead compares dimensions to each other.

"filter": { "type": "columnComparison", "dimensions": [<dimension_a>, <dimension_b>] }


The range filter can be used for comparison filtering like greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, less than or equal to, and “between”.

columnInput column or virtual column name to filter on. (Required)
matchValueTypeSpecifies the type of bounds to match. It determines how TelemetryDeck interprets the matchValue to assist in converting to the type of the matched column and also defines the type of comparison used when matching values. Valid values are STRING and DOUBLE. (Required)
lowerLower bound of the range. (Optional, but at least one of lower or upper must not be null)
lowerOpenIf true, the lower bound is exclusive. (Optional)
upperUpper bound of the range. (Optional, but at least one of lower or upper must not be null)
upperOpenIf true, the upper bound is exclusive. (Optional)

Example: equivalent to WHERE 21 ﹤ age ﹤ 31

"filter": {
  "type": "range",
  "column": "age",
  "matchValueType": "DOUBLE",
  "lower": "21",
  "lowerOpen": true,
  "upper": "31",
  "upperOpen": true

Example: equivalent to WHERE age ﹤ 31

"filter": {
  "type": "range",
  "column": "age",
  "matchValueType": "DOUBLE",
  "upper": "31",
  "upperOpen": true

Example: equivalent to WHERE age ﹥﹦ 18

"filter": {
  "type": "range",
  "column": "age",
  "matchValueType": "DOUBLE",
  "lower": "18"

Example: equivalent to WHERE 'foo' ﹤﹦ name ﹤﹦ 'hoo', using STRING comparison

"filter": {
  "type": "range",
  "column": "name",
  "matchValueType": "STRING",
  "lower": "foo",
  "upper": "hoo"

Regular Expression

The regex filter is similar to the selector filter, but using regular expressions. It matches the specified dimension with the given pattern.

"filter": { "type": "regex", "dimension": <dimension_string>, "pattern": <pattern_string> }


The interval filter enables range filtering on columns that contain long millisecond values, with the boundaries specified as ISO 8601 time intervals. This is mainly used for Theta Sketch operations.

Intervals can be relative or absolute. Absolute intervals are specified as a string in the format start/end, where start and end are ISO 8601 timestamps. Relative intervals are specified as an array of relative time interval objects.

  "type": "interval",
  "dimension": "__time",
  "relativeIntervals": [
      "beginningDate": {
        "component": "day",
        "offset": -30,
        "position": "beginning"
      "endDate": {
        "component": "day",
        "offset": 0,
        "position": "end"
  "type": "interval",
  "dimension": "__time",
  "intervals": [