#docs #tql


Specifies how a query is calculated and cached.

If you specify a query context with your query, you can specify how long it is cached, and how its calculation is prioritized.

"context": {
  "priority": -1,
  "grandTotal": true,
  "cacheValidityDuration": 1440


timeoutQuery timeout in millis, beyond which unfinished queries will be cancelled.
priorityQuery Priority. Queries with higher priority get precedence for in the query queue. Possible values are -1, 0, 1. Default: 0
grandTotalWhether to include a grand total as the last row in query results. Default: false
cacheValidityDurationHow long are the results of this query valid for? This is used to determine whether to use cached results or to re-run the query. Value is in minutes. Default: 10