Books & audiobook apps you should know

We're highlighting books & audiobook apps. Get to know Bookie, Inspired, and Reading List.

Marina Perkunic

Marina supports TelemetryDeck as a consultant for documentation and blog posts
A person, wearing a red, white and blue beanie and a brown hoodie, laying on their stomach reading a book. They are in a blue tent, the front is open and the setting is in a forest.

This month, we're giving a shout-out to book and audiobook apps! Let's highlight the awesome devs who hook us up with apps to organize our reads and make our listening experiences top-notch. Discover how our community is challenging the hobby of reading books or listening to audiobooks!

Please find the details about our Member Shoutouts (and the upcoming topics) here.

Track your progress, organize, and set goals



Your ultimate reading companion. Organize, set goals, track progress effortlessly. Discover new titles, revisit favorites. Upgrade to Bookie+ for more features, unlimited access. Welcome to a smarter way to read and remember.

Create inspirational quotes with the help of AI



Inspirations from the books you read with the help of an AI

Privacy-friendly tracking of your reading progress

Reading List: Book Tracker

Reading List: Book Tracker

Reading List is a privacy-focused personal reading tracker, available for iOS, iPadOS and macOS. Reading List makes it easy to record your reading and plan your upcoming books to read, helping users monitor and reach their reading goals.

Psssst: The next member shoutout is about Mac apps. Stay tuned to read more in our newsletter or visit our member shoutout page.